5 Aroma Energy Plant

Fragrances do not only serve as an air freshener or body. It turns out that they have other benefits as a motivator also improve mood and feelings.

Want your body and your mind is always full of energy? Excerpted from the pages of Fit Sugar, try some of this fragrance.

Not only good for the body when eaten, oranges are also useful as aromatherapy. The smell of citrus can boost morale and make people feel happier. The smell of citrus essential oils are also useful as an antidepressant and sedative effects.

2. Jasmine
The scent of jasmine is the best cure for insomnia and depressive illness. In addition rauan either in the form of tea or aromatic oils, jasmine can increase mental alertness and stimulates the brain.

3. Lemon
Lemon issued a strong scent to give energy and spirit. Fresh lemon fragrance that can be aromatherapy to help effect the mind and nervous exhaustion. Aroma is able to restore freshness to enhance mental alertness and concentration.

4. Peppermint
Peppermint has a strong aroma, fresh and cool. Because the smell of fresh, menthol aroma can help you to breathe more easily throughout the day.

5. Grapefruit
Same with oranges and orange juice, grapefruit has been able to provide a fresh and energetic effects. Useful addition to skin rejuvenation, this fruit can also relieve tired and lethargic.



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