Cigarettes are harmful and addictive products (creating dependency) because in 4000 there were cigarettes harmful chemicals 69 of which are carcinogenic (can cause cancer). Hazardous substances contained in cigarettes such as tar, carbon monoxide, cyanide, arsenic, formaldehyde, nitrosamines, etc..

Health effects of smoking on your own is very dangerous, due to the content of a variety of hazardous chemicals present in cigarette smoke is the same as we put these hazardous materials into our bodies. Diseases known to be caused by smoking include: throat cancer, lung cancer, stomach cancer, coronary heart disease, pneumonia, reproductive system disorders, etc..

But despite the dangers of smoking are well known & cause many diseases, there are still many people who still smoke. One reason is the nicotine content in cigarettes would cause addiction to the penghisapnya so if they do not smoke, they will experience problems such as anxiety, cold sweats, abdominal pain etc.. Then when they smoke and nicotine have touched the back of the brain again, then they will feel calm and able to concentrate.

Therefore, many smokers will continue to be a smoker all his life, even if they have a strong desire to quit, they are hard to break their addictions to tobacco. One other thing that also concerns the number of smokers is increasing from year to year, this means that there is accretion of new smokers every time that will most likely continue to be a smoker all his life. Most of these new smokers are children and adolescents.

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User statistics Cigarettes in Indonesia
Based on adolescent cigarette and Susenas (National Social Economic Survey) conducted by BPS (Central Bureau of Statistics) in 2001 and 2004 found an increase in the number of smokers both adults and children in Indonesia. Where the mean increase occurred in female smokers (either adult or juvenile) as well as children. In 2001 the number of adult female smokers in Indonesia is 1.3% which was then in 2004 the figure rose to 4.5% (up 3.5 x) and for female adolescents (aged 15-19 years) in 2001 as much as 0, 2% up to 1.9% in 2004 (up 9.5 x). For smokers own children (ages 5-9 years) in 2001 rose by 0.4% to 1.8% in 2004 (increase> 4x).

This is certainly a concern for us all because when viewed by the tobacco user statistics obtained an increase in the number of active smokers from time to time. Can be seen even children as young as 5 years old were already familiar with cigarette smokers is likely to be active throughout the course of his life that would make it much longer exposed to the dangers of cigarettes and are more susceptible to disease because of smoking.

Why Teens Smoke
One of the teens and cigarette smoking causes why the new growing due to the onslaught of tobacco advertising is circulating in the community, coupled with the image formed by tobacco advertising so that it looks as if people who smoke is successful and powerful people who can get through any obstacle.

Advertising, promotion or sponsorship by the tobacco industry is a very powerful tool for influencing teenagers and children. Research conducted by the National Commission for Children and their Hamka University in 2007 showed that as many as 99.7% of children seen cigarette advertisements on television, where 68% say they have a positive impression on the advertising of cigarettes and 50% said they became more confident as in the ad.

For adolescents, the influence of peer relationships also be contributed to the growth of new smokers. Sometimes teenagers become smokers beginners because of the insistence of their friends to be accepted in the association or to be seen as more cool by the opposite sex. The teens are certainly not yet understand completely about the dangers that can be caused by smoking or diseases that may arise due to smoking. This certainly must be an especial concern for the parents to be able to give an understanding of their children.

Danger of Smoking in Adolescents
In adolescents, short-term health problems including diseases that may arise due to smoking is a respiratory disorder, nicotine addiction and increased risk for the use of other harmful substances, including drugs. While the long-term problem is the fact that once people have become so active smokers will usually continue to be an active smoker all his life.

Here are some other issues that may arise as a result of smoking:

  • Smokers have lung function that is lower than those who never smoked.
  • Smoking reduces lung growth.
  • In adults, the disease caused by smoking are heart disease and stroke. Research shows that it is also beginning to look at teens who use tobacco.
  • Smoking may reduce the performance and endurance of the teens, even teens who actively exercise.
  • On average, people who smoke a pack or more per day reduced his life for 7 years than nonsmokers.
  • Smoking at an early age increases the risk for lung cancer. For other diseases due to smoking then the risk will also increase if continue to smoke.
  • Adolescents who use tobacco have 3x more likely than nonsmokers to use alcohol, smoke more to 8x and 22x more marijuana to use cocaine. Smoking is also often associated with the occurrence of other risky behavior such as fighting or having sex at an early stage. Dangers of smoking in adolescents in other words, early adverse effects.

Protecting Teens from Smoking Dangers
Here are tips from the mayoclinic to help teens to stay away from cigarettes:

  • Understand the interest that can be caused by smoking. 
Sometimes teenagers see smoking as a form of rebellion or as a way to be accepted by his friends. To find out more clearly invite children to discuss about cigarette smoking, including its views on them.
  • Just say no to cigarettes.

Maybe sometimes parents feel that children never listen to their speech, but do not be discouraged. Keep saying no to cigarettes and say that such action is not acceptable to you.
  • Give a good example.
Children usually will mimic the action of the closest, so if parents forbid their children to smoke, they should also not consume cigarettes.
  • Smoking is not cool.
Show your children that smoking is not cool or something to be proud of. Smoking can make a bad breath, makes your teeth yellow, causes coughing and loss of power to be able to do sports activities or other activities.
  • Cigarette waste of money.
Smoking is expensive. Help your child to count the expenditures that must be done when consumed cigarettes during the week, month or year. Compare the money with electronic goods or other items that can be obtained when not smoking.
  • Understand the pressures from peers.
Presence of friends who smoke can affect children. Give them the confidence to be able to socialize with their friends without smoking.
  • Handle with serious addiction problems from smoking.
Many teenagers who believe they can quit smoking whenever they want, but the reality of nicotine addiction can make them just as in adults.
  • Provide an overview of their future.
Children tend to believe that they will not be adversely affected by smoking. But health problems like cancer, heart attack and stroke are at greater risk experienced by those who smoke. Give examples of people you know who suffer from smoking.
  • Supervise the use of products other bertembakau
Many other types of products bertembakau considered safer than cigarettes. But in fact the same produks with cigarettes, can cause dependence and the same health hazards.
  • Actively involved.
Be active to get involved in tobacco prevention activities either at school or home environment.

If your child already to smoke, do not threaten to give an ultimatum to quit smoking. Should support him, find out the reasons why they smoke and then discuss the steps you can take to help them quit smoking.


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