Correct Sitting Position Tips

You experience pain in the back, hips, and neck? Could be it's because you do not correct sitting position. By gender, according to Drew DeMann, a bone specialist from New York City, United States, the body position is wrong more often provide health disorders in women than men.

Mistakes are often made to sit by someone is too sank to the bottom, too forward, forget standing, or forget to stretch my legs, so that ultimately the waist and back pain. People who work in offices have to deal with this for about 8 hours.

The following is the correct tip-style seating position DeMann.

A. The position of the head back, chin folds, ears, hips, and shoulders should be parallel.

2. Use headphones and avoid using a regular telephone. When required to wear an ordinary telephone, do not pinch the phone between chin and shoulder for too long.

3. Curve of the elbow should form a 90 degree angle.

4. The chair seat height is fully adjustable with waist and must fully support the spine.

5. Sight distance should be adjusted to a computer screen, which is between 18-24 inches, with a high-visibility third of the computer screen.

6. Hips and thighs should form an angle of 90 degrees, with feet flat on the floor straight.



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